
Nothing is Perfect.

Someone has said so.
"The race to perfection doesn't have a finish line."
Yeah, I agree but we always try to be perfect. I certainly did.

I'm not going to tell you how to be perfect in what you do. That hassle is for you to figure out all by yourself.
I will tell you what being perfect does to you and everything related to you.
What's it gonna do? Being perfect will be a dream come true.
I disagree. Nightmares are also considered dreams.

As I said earlier, it once was my dream to be perfect. I revelled in the thought of being so. Not anymore.
There are some irreversible changes made by just trying to be perfect, forget about being perfect.

If you want to be admired by faceless people, who you don't even remember their last names, you might even be worshipped by those people (No, I'm not kidding), go ahead and do all you can to be perfect, even though you will never be absolutely perfect.

If you want to be loved by the people, whose faces you remember even in your dreams (not nightmares), don't even think of trying to be perfect.

"Being perfect will only increase the rate of admiration, why the hell should I stop being perfect?" you might ask.

I remind you again, we are just trying to be perfect, not perfect. The answer to your question is in the question itself. Read it again. There is a huge difference between being adored and being loved, even adored doesn't mean loved. Oh well, I know you understand.

I say this because, once we try being perfect, with each and every way we mould ourselves into being perfect, people around us admire us while people closer to us respect us. Its all good but the admiration hides a dark face and so does the respect. The dark face of admiration is Envy and the dark face of respect is Negligence.

I can see eyebrows raising and lips mumbling. Even though people admire you being perfect (not perfect, but more than they are), there dwells Envy in them that they are unable to be someone like you and Envy can be dangerous. You can deny this, I won't mind.

The respect grown over you will transform into something of a standard for you and you will be looked with that standard as par. With every passing event, the Negligence makes the par baseless, making whatever you do as expected already and you have just met the expectations. Don't misunderstand me, you are still respected and held in their hearts but as a completely different person. Your close ones still love you but differently, because you are a better being (atleast in their eyes). You can deny this too, I won't mind.

As I have learnt, Denial is a Prime nature of beings with self Consciousness. If you deny this, well, I won't mind even now, what with Denial being a Prime nature and all.

Finally, trying to be perfect isn't a bad thing in the long shot, when you are not a people's person or somethng related to that. I wasn't too, until I started trying to be perfect. Now it's been long since trying to be perfect but still, the damage was done already (even though I wouldn't consider it a damage, being once, not a people's person). I'm now trying to find a balance in-between before the changes turn permanent (I still think there is a chance. How stupid of me!)

The choice is yours at the end, however. I'm sot assisting you in choosing between choices but stating the consequences after a definite time period. The choice is yours (Huh, how elusive and illusive?! Yeah, I can be deceiving).

P.S.: Race to perfection does have a finish line. It's when you choose not to try to be perfect anymore.
